Pada 16 November, pengadilan menyatakan MC Mong bersalah karena obstruksi keadilan untuk upaya menunda pendaftaran militernya, tetapi tidak pada akun dari pelanggaran dinas militer. Putusan menuntut hukuman penjara 6 bulan (ditangguhkan selama 1 tahun), dan 120 jam pelayanan masyarakat.
Keputusan yang didapat tercapai hari ini sama seperti putusan awal yang MC Mong terima tahun lalu pada 11 April. Dia dinyatakan bersalah karena menunda wajib militer, tetapi jaksa tidak dapat membuktikan apakah ia telah diekstraksi gigi dengan tujuan menghindari wajib militer.
MC Mong meng-update Twitter-nya untuk pertama kalinya setelah lebih dari satu tahun, dan menyatakan posisinya yang dalam cobaan berat.
“I’m sorry for her causing you all distress for over a year with the articles and cases about me, which you probably didn’t want to see. What could I dare say?
I’m sorry and sorry. I’m a foolish, idiotic, and a thick-headed guy. What could I dare say? I’ve made this mess so I will carry the penalty for the rest of my life. Even if I get painfully punished, this is all my fault, and I won’t blame anybody else. Also, it’s my fault for trying to only reveal the things I didn’t do.
There are so many things I want to say, but what right do I have to say anything. It is all my fault. The love I received from all of you was too great and felt like heaven. I was sincere in whatever I did to make the audience laugh on programs and when I sang on stage.
I used to like people so much, but now I can’t even look people in the eyes. The love you all showed me in the past has really been an honor. I will volunteer in a place that is darker than I am, and live a different life, and consider that to be happiness.I am truly truly sorry. I’m sorry. I apologize.”
Source : Allkpop